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Mt Baker Vapor Visuals – Edinburgh Castle

Mt Baker Vapor Edinburgh Castle 02

Mt Baker Vapor Visuals – Edinburgh Castle

It’s difficult to travel to Scotland without having this exciting urge to explore the diamond of the country. This diamond is none other than the beautiful historic Edinburgh. Our little day trip just barely skimmed the surface of sights to see. However, if you’re ever uncertain where to start your little holiday, Mt Baker Vapor is here to point you in the right direction. Join us for this week’s Mt Baker Vapor Visual as we explore castles, monuments, and other historic places, all while vaping our favourite Mt Baker Vapor e-liquid.

The Famous Royal Mile

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While there are many famous streets in Edinburgh, the Royal Mile is the most famous. It connects Edinburgh Castle to the Palace of Holyrood house and extends 1.81km. If I could recommend one place to visit, it would be along this Scot’s mile. In fact, the 5 places we visited this sunny afternoon were all found along here.

Views from Edinburgh Castle

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If you ever get lost in the old town parts of Edinburgh, just look for the majestic Edinburgh Castle perched high up on Castlehill. We chose to make this our first stop. It also marks the start of the Royal Mile from the West.

Edinburgh Castle Esplanade

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First, we parked at the bottom of Castlehill on Johnston Terrace. Unfortunately, street parking here is at a premium. Therefore, I highly recommend planning ahead for a more reasonably priced car park.

Vaping Mt Baker Vapor E-Liquid in front of the Gatehouse

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After parking, we found a long narrow staircase leading to the top of Castlehill. It opened up into what looks like a very large courtyard which is known as Castle Esplanade. This and Castlehill are the oldest parts of the Royal Mile, and it leads to the entryway to the Castle.


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After admiring the views of the city from the edges of the Esplanade, we walked to the impressive gates marking the entrance to the Castle grounds. Interestingly enough, outside the gates are countless statues, memorials and hidden gems to read and explore the rich history. In other words, we didn’t even need to take a tour inside to be profoundly impressed and enlightened. Of course, I took a cheeky photo opportunity with some vape clouds and the e-juice I had packed with me.

St Giles’ Cathedral on High Street

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Next along the Royal Mile is the section called Lawnmarket. Apparently it is the area where yarn used to be sold in markets. Now it connects the Castle to Bank Street where the Bank of Scotland is located.

St Giles’ Cathedral

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My favourite part of this section was two-fold. Firstly, the towering Gothic-style cathedral known as The Hub is simply jaw dropping. Secondly, every Scottish themed souvenir shop imaginable seems to pack this section of the Mile.

Adam Smith Statue

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The next section of the Royal Mile is the most popular, High Street. That is to say, tourists and locals alike spend much of their time here. What makes this section so popular is the numerous pubs and restaurants buzzing with excitement. The mesh of this excitement with the stunning views of St Giles’ Cathedral seem to blend for a very rich cultural experience.

Silverknowes Beach

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After the hustle and bustle of the busy Royal Mile adventure, we decided to head north towards the water. This was by far the biggest surprise from what I had expected of Edinburgh. We went from a near ancient historical experience to stunning sandy beaches overlooking blue skies and sailboats. It seemed to be the perfect place to enjoy a picnic. Consequently, we ordered some takeout from the amazing Ikigai Ramen and finished the day with full bellies and rested feet.

Hawk Sauce E-Liquid

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If anyone’s in Edinburgh is curious what flavour I was vaping today, it’s Mt Baker Vapor’s Hawk Sauce. Honestly, I was totally obsessed with this flavour during this trip (Umm, cool berries and sweet and sour? Heck yeah!). I’m now on my fifth month cigarette free, and it’s these delicious flavours that make me so glad I kicked that habit.

Anyways, hope you enjoyed today’s mini adventure. Looking forward to the next Vapour Visuals Blog with the summer weather swooping in!

megan waldroop
Megan Waldroop
Gamer chick, dog lover and professional shutterbug.